Motivational Monday - The Power of Legacy
Sep 02, 2024Let me tell you a story about what happened this weekend.
My daughter 5 year old daughter made me a gift in school, one of those cards we all have received one day if you've been a father. In that card, she answered a few questions, one of them was: "What is your dad's job"?
Her answer, as you can see in this picture: "Pay money to one of his friends and make videos".
What do you think about that? What do you see behind these words? Obviously, she doesn't understand all the nuances of everything I do yet, and to be honest, sometimes I myself don't really understand the whole scope of things, but in her authenticity, when I asked her what she meant, she described it to me. She said I've seen my videos playing on screens at home and she has interacted with my friends who help me make these videos happen, but most importantly, when I asked her "why", she said: because that's how you change the world and save people to Jesus"
You see, in our house, everyone is mission aware, even in their own little way. And making videos is one of the avenues God has gifted me with to reach people and change the world. In doing that, I believe that if we help them understand they're created for and with a purpose, we will help them see it more clearly. That is a mission.
I am sold out on this mission. And in order to continue to do that, I count on people such as yourself, who are constantly involved, praying and supporting this ministry.
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I hope you're inspired by this story.
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